West Campus Movie Collection Database

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The Collection Contains 1,531 Movie Titles

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Database does not currently include complete details for all movies. Volunteers are desired to compile movie details. E.g. Genres, Rating, Actors, Synopsis, Release date. Contact Ron Miller for details





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Blues Skies of Texas West Campus maintains over 2,000 movie titles in DVD and Blu_Ray Movie Formats
The movies are available in 2 locations near the library area
The Main Movie Shelves and Shelves near the CD Music Collection
PRINTOUTS of Movie Titles are located in each Collection Area

Advanced User Features
A searchable movie title database is available.  Select ' SEARCH' located above. 
Eventually the database will include complete details for all movies.
Volunteers are desired to compile movie details. E.g. Genres, Rating, Actors, Synopsis, Release date.
Contact Ron Miller for details

Movies are on the honor system. Please return to the drop slot by the CD music area.
Feel free to tape a note to the jacket with your comments - good or bad!

BLU-RAY format DVD movies are in the regular DVD movie area and must be played on a BLU-RAY player. Regualar DVDs can be played on regular or BLU-RAY player.

To donate movies (DVD or BluRay) please drop them in the deposit slot located in the CD music area or contact Barbara Folkeson (Resident Directory) or Bennie Blansett (Resident Directory)

Questions, Comments, Complaints, and Suggestions: Ron Miller (Resident Directory)

Database last updated: August 15, 2024
The database will be updated periodically.

© , 2024